Sketchnoting for EDTech 513

Hello everyone,

This week I had to make a Sketchnote.  I had never heard of it before, but it is quite interesting!  Back when I was a kid, doodling was frowned upon during school.  With Sketchnoting, it is encouraged, you just doodle while taking notes and make sure it makes sense to you.  You should really look at some sketchnotes that are being shared online – some look like works of art!

Now, most of the instructions online show people doing sketchnotes using a pen and paper.  Since I’m taking a multi media course, I decided to use an online application.  The one I chose was called Venngage, which advertises itself as an application to make infographics.  However, using it was easy to make my electronic sketch note, which you can see below.  It has different ways to make text, a number of icons and images and the ability to change things to suit your colour tastes.  All in all, it was pretty easy and fun to use.  Give them a try!

So the sketch note I made is about the Multimedia Principle.  That is the principle as described in the EDTech 513 Textbook: E-Learning and the Science of Instruction (3rd Edition) by Clark and Mayer (reference at the bottom).  I hope the sketchnote is obvious (it is to me, but I made it) that the principle is that adding images to text makes learning better.  I also suggested a few ways an instructor can do that with their own lessons.


I hope this encourages you to try sketch notes yourself!  Take a look around on the internet and see what you can come up with as some examples and inspiration.

Glenndon Whitaker

Clark, Ruth Colvin, and Richard E. Mayer. E-learning and the Science of Instruction: Proven Guidelines for Consumers and Designers of Multimedia Learning. 3rd ed. San Francisco: Pfeiffer, 2011. Print.

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